
We All Have Different Workplace Skills

I spent the weekend doing something I hate–working on taxes. My kitchen table looks like how my brain feels: scattered, piled, pseudo-organized.

Painstakingly, I made my way through receipts, carefully recording sums in the proper places, tallying once, twice, three times to make sure no error would invite an IRS visit. This is an over-reaction on my part; my work will go to Betty, my accountant, who is not only a whiz at doing taxes, she’s a lovely, funny lady who has lived many life challenges with grace. If I’m missing something, she’ll tell me. And although I may be convinced that I have things in perfect order, she’ll clean them up even more.

Betty is great with numbers and she’s incredibly organized. Software programs are, too. I’m not. And I realized as I struggled to understand why the same number has to go in four different places and why it’s important to know gas mileage before August 31st and after, that I can be a little sarcastic when I feel inadequate. Huh.

That made me think about how other people act when they feel inferior. That made me chuckle because I’ve seen a lot of different behaviors. Finally, I got to the place of appreciating others for what I’m not good at and being grateful for what I am. I like to be around people who are different because I learn a lot; I also like to be with people who share similar interests because I feel at home.

Most people are like that. The trick is in managing where you are, when. And feeling at ease no matter who you’re with. After all, we each have different gifts. Instead of comparing and competing with one another, we ought to be sharing and learning. Yes, it takes big people to do that well, and yes, you have to own what you’re good at first.

If you’re unsure or haven’t ever thought much about it, get a copy of “Now Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D. Knowing your Signature Strengths will give you something good to think about, build upon and share. After you get your taxes done.

Categories: Business

About Susan Marshall

founder susan marshall

Susan A. Marshall is author, speaker and founder, whose mission is to create a stronger, more confident future, one person or team at a time.  Through personal experience and hands-on work with executives from diverse industries at all levels, Susan has had the privilege of helping thousands of people do the difficult and exhilarating work of growth.