
General Advice

You Can Help Clean Up The (Social) Environment

Beyond the heated debates about The Green New Deal, renewable energy, and eco-friendly everything lies an environment in which we all exist day to day.  It is the social environment, the human community, our cities and towns and social media enclaves, where we interact. This environment has been horribly polluted.  It reeks of spoilage.  Of […]

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How Leaders Define and Deal With Conflict

LISTEN NOW: Welcome to the weekly podcast from The Backbone Institute! Today’s discussion: DEALING WITH CONFLICT How do you define conflict? I don’t know many people who really like conflict, but it exists. We tend to lump everything together that makes us uncomfortable and call it conflict, but that’s accurate. Is a Different point of […]

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Personal and Professional Growth Takes Time

Learning a new skill or adopting new behavior is a process. A process, by definition, consists of numerous steps usually followed sequentially and often requiring that one step be completed successfully before another can begin. Computer processes take a substantial amount of time to design; when complete they can make a lot of work seem […]

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How to Think Before You Communicate

Watch babies sometime to see how they try to express themselves. I had the delightful opportunity to spend time with my 10-month old granddaughter over the weekend and I was fascinated to witness her advancing communications skills. It got me thinking about how we learn to share what’s on our minds. Babies cry when they […]

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Stop Moping and Discover Your Capacity Today!

The old saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” is being sorely tested these days. Amid government bailouts, struggling schools, and declining communities, one searches far and wide for the kind of toughness that gets going to turn things around. It seems our national self-image as rough-hewn pioneers has melted down to […]

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