

You Can Help Clean Up The (Social) Environment

Beyond the heated debates about The Green New Deal, renewable energy, and eco-friendly everything lies an environment in which we all exist day to day.  It is the social environment, the human community, our cities and towns and social media enclaves, where we interact. This environment has been horribly polluted.  It reeks of spoilage.  Of […]

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Nothing Good Comes From The Erosion of Truth

When did it begin, this kinda, sorta, maybe way of thinking that makes right and wrong nothing more than intellectual exercises? When did we become a nation of slick marketing geniuses at the expense of truth, which is the foundation of capitalism? When did a handshake become a chuckle up the sleeve because some dope […]

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How to Challenge the Cultural Status Quo

“Everyone knows that the old ways don’t work anymore. We want new people and new ideas, but they are so often disruptive because they don’t fit our culture.” I hear this a lot. How do you preserve existing culture AND introduce meaningful change? You don’t. Pick one and get to work on it. Get a […]

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The Art of Subtlety in Today’s Culture

Watching the Super Bowl ads last night left me feeling disappointed. Like most people, I look forward to being surprised and entertained by the greatest creative minds in the advertising business. Oh, wait. There’s one false expectation. The ads reflect the deepest pockets, not necessarily the most creative minds. Beyond that, I got to wondering […]

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How Politics Mirrors Cultural Decline

Reading the most recent revelation about Trump’s disgusting comments about women should come as no surprise.  Look at the culture that surrounds us today.  Sex sells like never before.  Celebrities strut their stuff; sports stars flout their physicality; movies feature immorality and violence as standard fare.  Presidential campaigns are working hard to out-trash one another […]

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