Stop Crying ‘Racism’ For Everything In Life
It is impossible today to get through an entire news day without someone crying “Racism!” “Racist!” It is an intellectually lazy argument. And it has lost its power to shock or awe. There is a lot of indignation thrown around as people argue over education, health care, governance, the economy, and the direction of this […]
Continue ReadingConfident People Don’t Name-Call
Despite daily evidence from Washington and the entertainment industry to the contrary, truly powerful people do not resort to name-calling as a means of getting attention or being heard. Crazy, I know. We’ve all seen plenty of evidence showing how coarse our culture has become, and how juvenile. The name-calling in Washington and across the […]
Continue ReadingSpring-loaded to the p*ssed off position
Excuse the expression; it’s not one I normally use, especially in public. But it captures the mood of our times. A lot of people are angry and scared, frustrated with ongoing bad news, and out of both patience and trust. They are wound tight; ready to spring on anything they perceive to be a threat […]
Continue ReadingThe Greatest Danger For American Culture
Like many of my fellow citizens, I watch the news with growing concern and, on some days, a hint of fear. I work hard to maintain a sense of perspective and as I review my current situation, I must admit that I have everything I need to make my way through this day with confidence […]
Continue ReadingWhat to do when bored with negativity
I’ve been away from my blog and any sort of writing for quite some time. A long time, actually. In talking with Steve Jagler, editor of Biz Times Milwaukee, I justified my online silence with stories of client work, speaking engagements, and general busy-ness. I’m just like most of my clients. So why would I […]
Continue ReadingWhat to do after you’ve said something stupid
We’ve all done it. Said something stupid. The question then becomes, “Now what?” Should I keep quiet and hope no one heard me? Should I change the subject? Should I leave the room? All are options. I said something stupid a short while ago, but none of those options work for me. Why? I said […]
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