

How Good Leaders Approach Decision Making

A lot of people struggle with decision-making as the same three pesky questions come up again and again. 1. What will happen if I do this or that? 2. What will others think of my decision (or more precisely, of me)? 3. What if I’m wrong? Of course there’s anxiety surrounding these questions because the […]

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Want to Establish Trust? Tell the Truth!

Contrary to the current popular belief that “political correctness” is the way to acceptance, I’d like to suggest that telling the truth is a powerful way to establish and fortify trust. When I say this, I am frequently asked: “Whose truth?” I used to be somewhat taken aback by this question because truth seemed an […]

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Leaders Must Develop the Skill of Feedback

By now you’ve probably heard about the Wall Street Journal article of April 20th chronicling the heaping of praise on the youngest working generation and how businesses are struggling to keep up with the practice. Written by Jeffrey Zastrow, the article refers to employers “dishing out kudos to workers for little more than showing up” […]

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4 Essential Traits of a Great Leader

Leadership is a demanding role that requires a discriminating blend of expertise, awareness, courage, and persuasiveness. Expertise is functional, experiential, or perceived. What you’ve gotten good at, that others recognize, defines the first part of the leadership equation for you. It answers the question: “Do you know what you’re talking about?” Awareness is about how […]

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Good Leaders Can Answer These Questions Right

Leadership development is a critical and ongoing need in all walks of life. As such, it gets a lot of attention. But in addition to strengthening the designated competencies and traits important to your role as a leader—the intellectual side of the leadership ledger—there are other things that followers want to know about you. Consider […]

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The Every Day Art of Practicing Leadership

Contrary to the notion that leadership is a rare position reserved for the elite among us, I believe that leadership is an everyday art and discipline. I believe this because every person, no matter his or her station in life, influences others through word, action, and attitude. Try to get through one day without having […]

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