
General Advice

Are you on Auto Pilot as a Person?

Have you ever stopped dead still and asked yourself, “What am I doing?” If you haven’t, please do. And pay attention to the answer. I’m amazed at the numbers of people I encounter who are on auto-pilot. You’ve surely heard the expression, “The lights are on, but nobody’s home.” That sums up a lot of […]

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A Word on Customer Abuse, Telecom Style

Memo to the new AT&T powered by SBC: Get your facts straight and your systems aligned before you trumpet exciting service offers or incredibly low pricing. And spare me the bit about excellent customer service. As a loyal DSL customer, you offered me favorable renewal rates if I upgraded my service online. In a letter […]

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Finding the Point in Your Life Where You Accept Change

What’s your limit? When do you know you’ve ‘had enough’ of whatever is bothering you? Whether it’s pressure at work, escalating taxes, or dysfunction in a personal relationship, what is it that finally makes you change your life? An odd question? Perhaps. But one worth considering if you’re serious about finding success and happiness. Some […]

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