
Lessons Learned Thanksgiving 2005

Today is a special day set aside to give thanks and I’d like to share something I wrote a short while ago to encourage everyone I know to think about how lucky they are. No matter your circumstances, there are so many things to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

Every once in a while, you meet someone who is special.
If you’re lucky, that special someone becomes your friend.

Every once in a while, you realize that you’ve learned an awful lot about yourself from someone you admire.
If you’re lucky, you’ll have the chance to tell that person how important he or she is to you.

Every once in a while, you see someone do something great in a quiet and modest way.
If you’re lucky, you’ll recognize the greatness despite the modesty.

Every once in a while, you hear someone tell a scary truth in a way that’s not scary at all.
If you’re lucky, you’ll realize how important that truth is and how fortunate you were to hear it.

Every once in a while, you’re tempted to give your heart to someone who has impressed you.
If you’re lucky, that someone will deserve your admiration and honor it.

Every once in a while, you want to be just like someone you love.
If you’re lucky, that someone will tell you you’re already better being you.

Every once in a while, you meet a person who seems too good to be true.
If you’re lucky, that person will tell you he’s only your mirror.

Every once in a while, you feel like your life is perfect.
If you’re lucky, you’ll trust that feeling.

Categories: General Advice

About Susan Marshall

founder susan marshall

Susan A. Marshall is author, speaker and founder, whose mission is to create a stronger, more confident future, one person or team at a time.  Through personal experience and hands-on work with executives from diverse industries at all levels, Susan has had the privilege of helping thousands of people do the difficult and exhilarating work of growth.